Why are there still Chimps?

Chimps Can't Tell Us Much About Being Human | Discover Magazine

If humans come from chimps, then why are there still chimps?
This question can be difficult to answer because there is no right answer. I think there are still chimps because humans didn't evolve from every single chimp. Some chimps lead to the evolution of humans  and others kept reproducing chimps with vary little variation. The chimps that didn't evolve were doing fine in their natural habitat. The changes in habitats and what skills were needed lead to human evolution. Human evolution happens through a period of time and not just right away so at one point chimpanzees and humans branched off from each other. Everywhere in the world is not the same and that is why chimps and humans are both coexisting.


  1. nice thoughts here. one thing to think about would be that we didn't come from chimps per se, but from the last common ancestor of humans and chimps. So i think you are right that we "didn't evolve from every single chimp" but maybe think about framing it a bit differently to be clear on the evolution aspect. but this is clear and concise!
    nice job


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